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Sponsor Holiday

Holiday’s distinctive spots mark him as an Appaloosa. He has done a bit of everything during his long career, and has earned his retirement from the riding ring. But he still loves attention, and will happily stand to be brushed and loved on. He is blind in one eye due to uveitis, also known as “moon blindness,” which veterinarians theorize has an autoimmune and/or genetic component.


Become a sponsor for Holiday! Your tax deductible donation provides food and necessary supplies for our farm animals.


Silver Tier: Invitation to attend a Monthly Sponsor Day, a holiday card, plus a yearly private visit for "farm therapy" and photo print of your sponsor animal with holiday card


Gold Tier: Invitation to attend a Monthly Sponsor Day, a holiday card, a yearly private visit for "farm therapy", plus a quarterly private visit for 1 hour farm therapy or grooming session and a framed print of sponsor animal with holiday card.

Sponsor Holiday

Price Options
Silver Tier
$50.00every month until canceled
Gold Tier
$100.00every month until canceled
  • By confirming your subscription, you allow Health, Happiness, and Hooves Farms to charge you for future payments. You can always cancel your subscription.

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